This post is written in English.
1# Header 1 2## Headar 2 3### Header 3 4#### Header 3 5##### Header 5
Header 1
Headar 2
Header 3
Header 3
Header 5
1**This text is bold** and *this text is italicized*.
This text is bold and this text is italicized.
1![Image example](/images/profile.jpg) and the [link](#)
You can add an image and the link
- List
- List of list
- List of list of list
- List of list of list 2
- List of list 2
- List of list
- List 2
1#include <stdio.h> 2 3int main(void) { 4 printf("Hello, World!\n"); 5 6 return 0; 7}
1console.log("Java Script");
1def hello 2 puts("Hello World!") 3end 4 5hello()